I'm taking my email address down because, despite what is written below, I'm being flooded with junk emails.  If you want to email me, message me at the forum and I'll give you the address. I love getting emails from genuine readers and when I have time I answer all of them, although often it does take some time. :- ) I will not answer emails from advertising or PR companies asking for ad space or free advertising. I don't want to be invited to any openings or functions. I never give space to press releases. I do not have guest posters. I support a number of causes and charities, please don't ask me to support yours too. If you send a commercial email, press release, request for a guest post or  advertising of any kind, I'll mark your email as "junk" and after that, all your emails will go directly to my junk folder, without me seeing them. This is the only way I can deal with the huge numbers of commercial emails I get. ...